Assessing multilingual teacher competencies
A case study of indigenous teachers on the Thai–Myanmar border
Myanmar, with a population of 53 million, has 117 recognized languages. Over 23 million people speak one of the seven primary indigenous languages: Shan, Mon, Rakhine (Rohingya), Chin, Kachin, Karenni (Kayah), and Karen (Kayin). From January 2011 to January 2021, under a democratically elected government, government schools exclusively used the national language for instruction. This language is often unfamiliar to many ethnolinguistic minorities until they attend school. A study evaluated the proficiency of 16 teachers in multilingual education (MLE) in southeastern Myanmar and a temporary shelter on the Thai-Myanmar border. Remarkably, 94% of these ethnic and refugee teachers met the MLE competency standards, facilitating students' transition from their mother tongue to Burmese or English. This study was a collaborative effort with organizations including KECD, KNGY, KTWG, MNEC, RISE, KRC–EE, and World Education Thailand and Myanmar.
Recommended Citation
Tyrosvoutis, G., Chan, L., Win, N., Htoo, S. E. K., Oo, K. J. B. W. L., Htun, N. N. T., ... & Mon, N. R. O. (2022). Assessing multilingual teacher competencies: A case study of indigenous teachers on the Thai–Myanmar border. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 3(2), 274-297.